It’s Happening Again: Three Reasons Clinton will lose the Democratic Nomination once more

Its happening again.

For those of us who watched Hillary Clinton go to absolute war against Barack Obama in 2008 for the Democratic nomination, we are beginning to see a trend rise once more that we know very well. The seemingly obvious candidate slowly eroding under an ever raising tide of passionate and active voters that were determined to beat the big bucks and the Dynasty pattern in government.

That’s right America, Hillary Clinton is once again slowly falling as the outsider Bernie Sanders begins to frame the entire nomination in his direction. Now, as in 2008, we begin to see the first stages around this time, as Clinton begins attempting to be most like whoever is gaining on her (Sanders in this case) in a strange metamorphosis she seems blind to. She is not, however, ignorant of the fact that the nomination is slipping through her hands like sand, and today we observe three reasons why we know that’s true.

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