Sanders Internet Force: The Voice of the People is still alive

If you watched CNN, MSNBC or FOX after the Democratic debate last Tuesday, you would think there wasn’t anyone on the stage but Hillary Clinton.

However, those very same media outlets posted online polls and focus groups that almost unanimously voted Senator Bernie Sanders the clear winner. In fact, most every poll released by the major social media networks had Sanders in the lead at the end, and perhaps more importantly, during the debate.


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The A.M. Share It: The Polls Vs The People

Right now, looking at the latest polling numbers coming out of the early states, any Sanders fan has to be feeling a certain sense of combined excitement and nervousness.


I mean, here is a powerful candidate, one who is drawing serious numbers at his rallies, that is now floating within arms length of the presumed candidate Hillary Clinton. These polls, from Gallup to RCP, one can see an interesting spread that shows a race simultaneously close and far apart. The numbers seem in favor of the former First Lady, but the energy and outpour on Senator Sanders side.

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Berning Clean Energy: Enthusiastic Sanders Supporters are making a huge Difference

Let’s face it; Bernie Sanders is slowly taking over the Internet.

If there is one thing about the 2016 presidential election, it is that Bernie Sanders is burning up the social media networks. We do see a good bit about or from the other candidates, but oftentimes they are hit or miss as far as whether the piece is positive or negative. We see Trump in our newsfeed, but will the article be about some new absurd sound byte or actual news? Every candidate seems to almost have more of a pushback online; that is except for Bernie Sanders.

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