The A.M. Share It: The Polls Vs The People

Right now, looking at the latest polling numbers coming out of the early states, any Sanders fan has to be feeling a certain sense of combined excitement and nervousness.


I mean, here is a powerful candidate, one who is drawing serious numbers at his rallies, that is now floating within arms length of the presumed candidate Hillary Clinton. These polls, from Gallup to RCP, one can see an interesting spread that shows a race simultaneously close and far apart. The numbers seem in favor of the former First Lady, but the energy and outpour on Senator Sanders side.

The question this morning is a matter of actual motivation. The Clinton campaign is a powerful machine, and she certainly needs no introduction. In fact, she is so well known that most people have long had their minds made up about her, and there likely won’t be much to change that between now and Election Day.  She is able to create a much larger “scene” than Sanders, and her name recognition amongst an almost empty Democratic nominee spread generates even more attention.

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 30:  U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) speaks on  his agenda for America  during a news conference on Capitol Hill April 30, 2015 in Washington, DC. Sen. Sanders sent out an e-mail earlier to announce that he will run for U.S. president.  (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC – APRIL 30: U.S. Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) speaks on his agenda for America during a news conference on Capitol Hill April 30, 2015 in Washington, DC. Sen. Sanders sent out an e-mail earlier to announce that he will run for U.S. president. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

How much of this is affecting the polling process? If her numbers are to mostly remain constant, then she is actually in more danger than it appears. These vigorous Sanders supporters are poised to show up at the polls adamantly, and more by the day volunteer in some way or another to create even more of this pattern. People may be answering polls over the phone or online in favor of Clinton, but will enough of them actually go out and vote for her or eventually move over to Sanders between now and next year?

That is a long time.

The Senators supporters should still realize that the task of getting the nomination is a large one. Not at all impossible, and thus far, every day actually makes it appear all the more plausable. This is especially true given the state of what is going on over at the Republican Nominee side of the table. Hillary knows this is her last real shot at achieving the Oval Office, and you can be assured that millions of dollars and hours will be spent fighting as hard as possible for it.


This interesting part is that money does not translate over to votes, necessarily. We have had tons of very rich people run for the Presidency and lose, some of them quite badly. The people who believe in the Sanders team are arguably the most enthusiastic bunch in the entire race, and that potential has a very snowballing effect in politics. Just look at how far ahead Senator Sanders is than Obama was in most of the online, social media, outreach and activity of the 2008 election spread.

If the trends continue, I believe that Bernie Sanders has a real shot at winning the Democratic nomination. All the light that has been on the race has been on the Republican side, and the majority of Democrat news that manages to pierce through is about Clinton (that info in itself a sorted mix of seemingly lukewarm data).

As this process whittles down, especially beginning with the upcoming Democrat debates, the two candidates on the “left” side will undoubtedly be Clinton and Sanders without Biden in the mix. If this happens, everything I have said will make this nomination Clintons to lose. She would most likely have to spend her campaigns entire arsenal of funds and energy on remaining where she already is.

So, as I start my day off starting at the polls, I have to wonder how many people actually turn out to vote. With that thought, what campaign has that special “fire-like” motivation and spread out there on the political trails? The kind of enthusiasm that spreads and multiplies, turning more and more people into dedicated voters who are ready to make a statement.


Yes, we all identify with many aspects of those running for the Oval Office this year on all sides, but you cannot help but see that it is the Bernie Sanders campaign who has the most legit and genuine support system. That is quite a thing, one that is growing even as you read this post today.

I think that is quite the positive thought for any Sanders supporter out there this morning.

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