Sanders Internet Force: The Voice of the People is still alive

If you watched CNN, MSNBC or FOX after the Democratic debate last Tuesday, you would think there wasn’t anyone on the stage but Hillary Clinton.

However, those very same media outlets posted online polls and focus groups that almost unanimously voted Senator Bernie Sanders the clear winner. In fact, most every poll released by the major social media networks had Sanders in the lead at the end, and perhaps more importantly, during the debate.


Google also posted some interesting figures. CLICK HERE for deeper details, but Sanders took the lead pretty much every time he spoke. His name was searched more during the debate than any candidate, and also more than any of the Republican candidates during their debates. He collected more new followers across the social media spectrum on Tuesday night, and also raised over a million dollars in contributions averaging $30.

Even Facebook, who the debate itself was brought to you in part by, posted polls that showed Sanders making the biggest impacts the most consecutive amounts of times. Fifteen million people tuned in on television, but it was the Internet that was truly exploding and moving after Tuesdays debate. The Senators gains, while hardly spoken of or shown on the major networks, speaks to the power of the newly called “Anti-Media;” essentially the collective voice of The Internet.


For Sanders’ supporters, this is a great seed. It would seem the Internet is revealing Bernie Sanders the winner of the debate, and an individual with an evergrowing base of enthusiastic supporters. Those who will receive information, and grow and make their choice almost exclusively by what is online, showed Tuesday night that they are a new and large voice of the voting block.

And they like what Senator Sanders is about.


While you may see a landscape that reports Clinton the “poised and radiant” winner of the debate, the same individuals who have called her the obvious nominee for months or years, what The People realize is that it is only the mega media industry machine and its cogs that are proclaiming such. The overwhelming post debate numbers tell one story, and yet the television tells another.

Fortunately, with TV largely influenced by the big Dollars, the Internet has stepped in to make this a much more dynamic race than anyone anticipated.

If there is one thing we should take from Tuesday nights post debate polls, it is that Bernie Sanders has caught the attention of a Nation.

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